Discerning God's Will For Your Church, in Missions
Barbara Naylor-Tatterson
January 3rd 2025
As the Vineyard, one of the key styles of missions that has been adopted in the local church is “local church based missions”. This is where there is a common commitment to the local church as pivotal for world evangelization, and agreement that the responsibility that evolves from this can not be delegated to others. On the local church level there is an opportunity , and even a responsibility to be involved in Gods work in the nations.
Discerning Gods will in a community of faith is really an extension of a life of discernment as an individual. It builds on the lifestyle developed of noticing and listening to God . Growing in a heart of compassion that Jesus has for us and the world around us.
1) Where to begin as a local church:
Discerning where in the world your church efforts should be made is not merely an activity of what has been done before or looking at a map of the world in the church and seeing where you have sent $ to in the past. Though both of these things could play a part of the discernment. One of the first steps of discernment is laying things down. Being willing to lay things down that have been done before is no small thing. This requires conversation and honest dialog. There are often long term connections that need to be explored, and worked through. What has been done or supported in the past may need to be examined.
2) Prayer is a great starting point as you begin to consider your global involvement.
Holding your current work and relationships up to the Lord, seeking his heart. Looking and listening to the people God has brought to your current congregation. What are the things that you values a congregation? Where are the places of relational connection? Gather a group of missional minded people to begin to pray together. Praying for what has been and what may be next.
3) Ask the right questions:
As you are discerning Gods plan, be clear on what is is you are wondering about. Have you narrowed things down to a few options? Would a “look see” exploratory trip be helpful? What is the desire of your congregation in reaching the nations? Does their need to be further training on Gods heart for the nations?
4) Invite the “right” people into this process.
Who may make a significant contribution to your discernment process? Who has gifts, information or experience that would help? Who are the decision makers and influencers in your local body that can assist in bringing the results of the discernment to a reality? (often the senior leader is needed, if they are not the instigator of this )
5) Take a look at the relationships that you have in your community
Are there many folks that speak Spanish? Are there people that have regular connection to friends in Indonesia, or Kenya? What is the local immigrant population in your area? Are there people in your congregation that presently work within an international people group in your context? One thing for sure, this process of discernment can take many forms, but it is rarely a linear process. Listening , noticing and being aware of what God is doing among you is the thing to watch.
For our little church, a number of years ago the Vineyard held a global conference in Ohio. My husband and I have been involved in missions for years, and were excited to be a part of this gathering. We had a relationship with some Vineyard leaders in the Philippines, among other places. We became aware that there was a rather large group from the Philippines that was making their way to Ohio. Our little church in Michigan though it would be a wonderful idea to invite this Filipino delegation to come back with us and spend a week enjoying the beautiful Lake Michigan summer, staying in the homes of our people. So 18 strangers came home with us, and friendships were formed that have deepened and grown over the years to a now thriving partnership. We partner in prayer, in finances, in friendship, in going. The impact has been beautiful on behalf of both countries. We have followed the thread of the spirits leading. Relationship seems to be heart of Missions partnerships!