Living Water International

Brian Owen
March 3rd 2025

Two weeks ago, I was in Guatemala, visiting the community of San Martin. During that visit, I met Pastor Maria. I am in awe of what she accomplished for her community.

Maria leads a tiny church of 10 people. When Living Water reached out to pastors in the area, Maria seized the opportunity to rally her community around the opportunity to provide much-needed safe water to everyone. She didn’t let her youth (24), marital status (single), or gender get in the way of an opportunity to lead and make a difference.

Because of her efforts, 800 people now have access to water through a solar powered water system that was installed through a partnership with Living Water, the Global Lift Collective (a group of U.S. churches), and the local government!

This community is changed because this brave woman had a vision of a better future for everyone, not just the people in her congregation. Her courage and leadership will transform this community for generations.

This story is just one of the many ways Living Water works to link the U.S. church to local churches around the world. If we can serve you in your global missions efforts, don't hesitate to reach out.